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The power that a good designer handbag holds is unquestionable. It symbolizes power, fashion and style. The retail costs of most luxury designer bags are usually quite steep, too. This leaves us mere mortals, saving each dollar to buy our next designer item with little hope. The one way you can shop more designer bags, that are authentic too, is go the preloved way. At Rehaute we curate the best designer bags on the market and bring them to you so you don’t have to go through the hassle of researching. Want to find something specific? Let us know and we’ll scour the internet and our resources to bring you something you love – for less!

Why are designer bags so expensive in the first place? There are lots of reasons for that. First, they are associated with a design house that has years of credibility, craftsmanship and even a reputed clientele to its name. Naturally, they won’t sell their carefully designed and thought-out pieces at regular retail prices. Second, sometimes the clientele is so high-profile that their display of a certain designer bag or piece hikes its price or results in the designer naming the piece after them. The Lady Dior bag, for example. A gift to Lady Diana that she loved and after she held the bag in public, the people loved it too. The name of the bag was changed from Chouchou to Lady Dior in honour of the Princess. So you see, with huge names attached to these designer bags, they will never be easy to afford for everyone.

The reason why shopping for preloved pieces solves this problem is: even the first person who bought and used the bag was careful with it knowing it’s price and worth. In most cases, people just want to sell and get a new designer item. They are fully aware of how to take care of a designer piece and they’re preloved pieces are in good shape. If you love designer bags then this is a win-win situation for you! You can shop more frequently and style up your looks with more designer pieces instead of saving all year to just buy one.

We’ve linked 5 amazing designer handbags below that are preloved but gently used. You’ll find a gorgeous Chanel bag, in quilted brown leather adorned with the iconic Chanel CC’s at the front and Chanel written on a metal plaque at the top. It comes with a top handle and strap so you can wear it in different ways. It’s the type of bag that will stay with you a long time! If you were looking to shop Chanel for less, here’s your chance.

That’s not all, we’ve got a gorgeous Louis and Birkin linked below too. Imagine not having to wait for a Birkin! That should be reason enough to shop this exquisite piece in light brown, a neutral shade that goes well with everything. The Louis Vutitton piece is black and made from Epi leather. You can wear it as a crossbody or sling it on your shoulder. Both pieces are available to shop for less than their retail prices, are authentic and always in style. To explore the whole range of bags we keep sharing, head to our Instagram profile. We share new pieces every single day. All 5 designer bags for less are listed below so you can click and shop!